Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Down To Business

I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel, winter is almost over and I am jumping for joy.
Don't get me wrong, I do love how the cold fresh air wakes you up in the morning, sitting by my warm cozy woodstove. And playing with my kiddies in the snow is the best! But Spring for me is almost like a new year, A fresh start! and when March is insight I am so happy!

Last year I started a vegetable garden, I had big dreams of this beautiful fruitful garden so I got to work. Boy it was hard! Although it didn't turn out exactly how I dreamt, I was successful. This year is going to be it! Today I went online and ordered my veggie seeds for this year. I ordered more because last year I found I didn't have enough of some things like carrots and beans, and also because for my upcoming birthday I am getting a juicer! I have been wanting one for a while now and am super excited that I'll be able to use my fresh garden veggies to make juice with.

For me, having the juicer will allow me to get more veggies/fruit into my diet, and my children's diet as well. It's also a great tool in achieving/ maintaining healthy skin. You can find more about that here :

And next week I will talk about achieving healthy skin, so keep posted!

Now I'm off to dream about gardens and makeup.. or gardens of makeup ;)

Amy xo

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Hello blogging world!

I am new to this so bear with me.
In the past year or so I've been getting to know me a bit better and trying to "find myself" as I am sure we all find ourselves at one point in our lives, and I found my self here!
Recently I have been trying to decide what I will be when I grow up, but I just seem to going back and forth from one idea to the next. Also having two young kids kind of puts things on hold for a bit so I decided to put some of my skills and knowledge that I already had to use.

Alas I am dusting off my makeup brushes! I wanted to do it for a while, but having recently moved to a small town in the valley I didn't think there would be much need. But surprisingly there are a ton of photographers and of course people are always getting married. So little by little I started getting things together. I made business cards, myself of course!(If anyone knows me, they know I am crafty and love DIY). My friend Carly sells Mary Kay and I had hosted a makeup party, showed a few ladies how to apply an everyday look and enjoyed the products! I have a new love - Mary Kay! The products look so fresh and bright on. I also got together with my sister Crissie, whom I don't get to see that often so that alone was nice. We teamed up and did a photo shoot. This turned out to be three days of makeup fun! My sister is unique and has a love for photography and art so I knew I was in good hands. we got lots of shots and both learned a lot. I am very happy with the end results :)

I am hoping there are more opportunities with makeup to come. I love being creative and making people feel and look great!

Thanks for reading!

Amy xo