Monday, March 3, 2014

Beauty DIY

The first step to having great looking makeup is having great looking skin. Having healthy skin is just as important as eating healthy foods or exercising. For some of us we don’t know where to start, or feel the need to buy expensive products to get the job done. I am here to help you! I am going to share with you my favourite facial scrub.

Brown Sugar & Honey Scrub

Brown sugar helps scrub off the dead skin to generate new skin cells and isn’t as harsh as some salt scrubs because the grain is much smaller. It also contains glycolic acid which fights bacteria, and is a humectant, absorbing moisture from the environment and keeping it locked in.

Honey (raw or organic) has antibacterial properties which aid in healing acne, infections and wounds. It contains antioxidants and that can help clean free radicals out of your body and promote healthy skin. Honey also enhance hydration of your skin.

This scrub can be used on anyone, but for people with sensitive skin be careful not to scrub too hard. You can use it on your face or other dry problem areas like arms and legs. This scrub should not be used every day, only once a week or every couple of weeks, depending on your skin.

Scrub how to:

Combine half honey with half brown sugar, I used only a couple of tablespoons of each.

Place a hot wash cloth over your face for 1-2 minutes.

Apply scrub to forehead, cheeks, nose, chin and mouth. Do not apply to or around your eyes.

In circular motions gently rub the exfoliant around your face and down to your jaw line ( see face chart )

Wipe scrub off gently with the warm cloth, splash face with cool water.

Apply your moisturizer and ta-da! you have a beautiful glowing face that has been rid of dead skin. you will feel fresher for days to come!

If you really want to feel pampered, lock your self in the bathroom and soak in the tub afterward.. oh wait not everyone has young kids like I do!

Let me know what you think of this wonderful scrub. Check back for more on cleansing :)

Amy xo

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